Putting a pause on opening date speculation

Putting a pause on opening date speculation

April 23, 2020 - May 6, 2020
Alabama Contemporary Art Center
301 Conti Street
Mobile, Alabama


This being a “time of uncertainty” has come to be such a common phrase it can feel like a platitude that doesn’t really touch how uncertain things actually are. Daily, we get all kinds of messages from the news and our leaders speculating on what’s happening. Mobile’s new Unified Command communication effort is a huge benefit to our city, and we applaud the efforts of Mayor Stimpson, County Commissioner Ludgood, and Dr. Eichold. But our leaders are navigating a myriad of different aspects of this, and often don’t have the data they need to have the kind of certainty we’re all craving.

At ACAC, we are rolling back any commitments to an opening date. My top priority is keeping our staff and supporters safe. As much as we miss you all and would love to throw open our doors, there is simply no level of health risk that I find an acceptable trade for admission. Until we are sure that we can open safely while protecting our front of line staff and patrons, we won’t make a return announcement.

Specifically, we are looking for a downward trajectory in cases, increased testing to qualify that trajectory, guidance through scientific expertise and relevant successful models. We are listening closely to those on the front lines: the doctors, nurses, essential workers, and brave souls that either choose to work, or must due to the nature of their employment. Whatever this might look like from our living rooms, these individuals are the canaries in the mine and critical voices in knowing what we’re dealing with. We owe everything to them.

I have full respect for each person’s individual right to choose what’s best for themselves. The arts are the chief battlegrounds for of freedoms of choice and speech. Ironically, as a service organization we don’t have the luxury of being cavalier, and risks we might take with our own bodies are not risks we can afford to take with yours. To put it simply, there is no price tag we are willing to put on the health and safety of our community.

That doesn’t mean we aren’t financially hurting from all this. Of course we are, as is the entire City and Country. If you want to help us you can become a member, you can advocate for the inclusion of the arts and non-profits in relief packages, and you can support programs like Postcards from Quarantine. I’m incredibly proud of all the hard work our staff has put in to fulfill our mission from afar. We truly do have a ‘dream team,’ and we look forward to seeing you soon.

elizabet elliott

Executive Director/Curator